
29 July 2006


Beautiful family makes beautiful world. Families are brought forward by generations after generations by passing on the culture, tradition, values and ethics. The whole phenomena of the persistence of the generations are by a miracle of life, which is “Reproduction”. It paves a way for further growth of life and maintains the ecological cycle.
"Human anthropology" studies revealed some amusing facts about the drift of the DNA’s from the very beginning of the unicellular bacteria’s to the present multi racial human beings, which comes under “Origin of Life”. Again, the whole theory is made possible by the same living miracle “Reproduction”
So, when the reproduction by the living beings plays a vital role, the present era is unfortunately carrying some sort of disrespect for the reproductive parts of our body, either directly or indirectly.
Offences, abuses and swearing quoting the reproductive part of the human body has become common in the day to day life and even the younger generation are given a narrow picture of the same. The present media and adult film industry has spoilt the reputation of the art of love and ultimately created a negative impact on the reproductive parts of the body.
“The Kama Sutra” written by Vatsyayana in ancient times uses the genitals of either sex as a power of purity and there is ZERO vulgarity in it!!
A person might say that his/her head is aching, his/her arm has a sprain or stomach is upset or back is paining and so on. But, if they say anything about their hidden parts, the society either cracks on laughter or visualises them with a wrong eye!!
This is actually a kind of DISCRIMINATION.
Discriminating the reproductive organs and degrading it with regard to other parts of the body! Or, it might be called as “Self-discrimination” as well!!
The Hindu mythology has a very strong belief in Lord Shiva. He is also worshipped in the form of “Lingam”. Lingam in Sanskrit is “Penis”. The shape of the Lingam or even the story behind the origin of Lingam is from the Male reproductive part. You might be wondering if that is what is been worshipped??!!! But Yes... It is indeed!! The base where the structure of Lingam sits is called "Yoni". You might get a broader vision in here >>
While talking about the female reproductive organ “Vagina”, it is said to be the “Door way for the life to earth”. It resembles the motherly hood and is a boon by God for the Humanity, or say to any living organism on our only breathing planet in the solar family!! In Northern India, the couples without child do “Yoni Pooja” that is the “worship of Yoni”. Yoni in Sanskrit is “Vagina”. Check out for more in here >>
The Muslim tradition of making “sunnah”, which is circumcising the penis, is considered to be sacred and it is a part of their tradition as well!! Check out here >> SUNNAH
While so much of importance is been implicated upon the male and female reproductive parts in the olden ages, we sometimes are so shy to discuss something about that to our friends or say, even to our parents!! It is purely because of the disrespect that the present era has created.
The practice of abusing or insulting others with the name of their own sacred reproductive part of the body is as good as abusing own self or is highly a disgrace for oneself and to mention it again, it is “discriminating and degrading” it with regard to other parts of the body!!
Lets start perceiving the usage or mentioning of the male or female’s sacred reproductive parts as a common practice, unlike perceiving with a negative vision or crack for a wide sarcastic laughter. Save them from losing their reputation and getting into an utter chaos. Make them as common as anything in our day-to-day life. After all, if they are not there, we won’t be sitting here in front of this computer!!!!
(I also thank my dear and near friends for giving me an initiative for bringing out this topic for general reviveness!!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to agree with you Prakash, human sexuality has been so warped and twisted by todays society that it's been turned into a "dirty" thing to discuss our bodies with others. I do agree it is our right and a gift to reproduce and the use of offencive terms just further disgraces ourselves as human beings.
Good on you for speaking out!
- Nicole Czepanski